Is about the same size as earth.  Its thick atmosphere and the greenhouse effect traps the solar energy.  On Venus temperatures over nine hundred degrees Fahrenheit can even melt lead.  Venus goes through phases like our moon.


1.      Almost the same size as Earth

2.      The closest planet to Earth, but it does not have oceans or human life like Earth

3.      Gets so hot during the day that it could melt a lead cannonball

4.      The temperature rises to 484 degrees Celsius on the side facing the Sun

5.      Has very thick, rapidly spinning clouds which cover its surface

6.      These clouds hold heat in - that is why Venus gets so hot

7.      These clouds also reflect sunlight - that is why Venus appears so bright to us here on Earth - there are constant  thunderstorms in these clouds

8.      surface has many craters which were made by meteorites and asteroids crashing into the planet

9.      Also has volcanoes

10. This planet is unusual because it rotates in a direction opposite that of all of the other planets - Venus spins very slowly as it orbits the Sun.


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